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Sharing Data#

Your lab group storage can be used to collaborate with non-lab members. This is done with by-request project directories. For example, if lab pi would like to collaborate with some data for a project called zephyr, then the lab PI would contact RCC to create a project directory.

$ ls -l /group/pi
total 8
drwxrws---. 3 root sg-pi-zephyr 512 Mar 26 13:52 zephyr
drwxrws---. 4 root sg-pi       1024 May 19 14:04 work

In addition to the usual work directory, there is now a zephyr project directory, which is controlled by the sg-pi-zephyr security group. Project data would go in that directory, and any number of collaborators (MCW researchers) can be added to the security group.