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Logging in#

ResHPC access requires a project user account, which is based on your MCW NetID and password. Your project username will be a combination of your NetID and a project identifier (example, jsmith.p1234). Your password and Duo MFA credentials are the same that you use to access Citrix and other MCW resources.

Network Access

ResHPC is available from Citrix and MCW-managed machines.

ResHPC OnDemand#

If you're new to using a cluster, ResHPC OnDemand offers web browser-based access. You can manage files and start a remote desktop session on the cluster. All of this is possible without logging in via a traditional SSH terminal.

To login, point your browser to, enter your password, select a Duo MFA option, and complete the login.

Additional info

Much of the functionality of ResHPC OnDemand is shared with the standard Open OnDemand site. Please consult the OnDemand app guides for additional help and detail.

SSH Connection#

ResHPC login requires Duo MFA. For Windows users, we recommend a multi-factor compatible terminal client such as MobaXterm. Mac and Linux users may use their OS provided terminal clients.

To login, use the ResHPC login hostname, enter your password, select a Duo MFA option, and complete the login process.

Example login flow:

$ ssh
( Password:
( Duo two-factor login for jsmith

Enter a passcode or select one of the following options:

 1. Duo Push to XXX-XXX-XXXX
 2. Phone call to XXX-XXX-XXXX
 3. SMS passcodes to XXX-XXX-XXXX

Passcode or option (1-3):