Paid Additional Storage#
Additional research group storage, i.e., /group/PI_NetID
, is available through a paid subscription.
The 2025 rate is $80/TB/year. All fees must be prepaid and minimum addition is 1 TB. Minimum duration is 1 year (January 1 to December 31), or the number of months until the start of the next calendar year. Fees will be prorated according to the number of months until December 31. Research Computing will not refund storage fees for any reason.
Storage price increases
The price of storage will increase incrementally starting in 2025 and beyond. The pricing schedule is as follows:
2025 - $80/TB/year
2026 - $100/TB/year
2027 - $120/TB/year
RCC will re-evaluate storage pricing in FY27 and welcome your feedback on this issue. For more information, please see our recent news post about storage price changes.
Unpaid Fees#
If fees are unpaid, RCC admins will change your research group storage directory to read-only (i.e. no new data can be written). The PI will have until March 31 to pay any fees that are due or remove the data.
This storage service is a subscription-based lease of storage space for a finite duration. RCC retains ownership of all hardware associated with this service.
Storage availability is not guaranteed. Requests greater than 50 TB will require review. Please contact to inquire.
Sign-up & Payment#
A RCC account is required. If you do not already have a RCC account, please submit a request. RCC will then process your account and provision the storage. If you are not a PI, your PI must also have an account.
Payment is made through the MCW-IS service desk website using the following guide.
- Proceed to and login.
- Select Software > RCC Software, then Research Group Storage - 1TB.
- To pay for 1 TB, select Add to Cart. If you are paying for multiple TBs, select Add Multiple and enter the quantity.
- Select Place Your Order and enter your 16-17 Digit Account Number.
- Finally, you'll be asked to enter PI information. Use this if you're a non-PI requesting the storage on behalf of a PI.
If you have questions about your quota limit, please email If you have questions about the self-service payment process, please contact the MCW-IS help desk.