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ResHPC Overview#

Restricted HPC (ResHPC) is a secure way to access and utilize the HPC cluster. It is specifically designed for restricted datasets that have a defined Data Use Agreement (DUA), including dbGaP projects. The ResHPC service is built on the existing HPC cluster, but incorporates a separate, secure login method, and project specific accounts and directories. With ResHPC, you can work with familiar tools while also satisfying complex data provider requirements.

Project Eligibility#

ResHPC is reserved for projects that need elevated security. Research Computing will evaluate every project request to ensure that ResHPC is required and meets security requirements. For projects with known security requirements, such as dbGaP, this process is simple and fast. For more complex projects, Research Computing will work with you and may require additional information and discussion. Please note that ResHPC does not meet the security standards for HIPAA compliance.

We strongly suggest to email prior to requesting or signing a DUA for a new dataset. Research Computing will not guarantee that ResHPC is suitable for your dataset.


ResHPC security training is mandatory for every user. Training is provided by appointment via Zoom. Projects with multiple users may schedule group training. ResHPC access will not be granted until completion of training.


It is part of your role as data steward to comply with any DUA or related policies. Please note that utilizing ResHPC may not satisfy your compliance requirements. Research Computing is not responsible for your compliance.

Read and understand policies and procedures.

Failure to understand and adhere to your DUA, and applicable policy, could result in loss of data access and other punitive measures as determined by the institution.

Helpful links:


Please email questions to or attend regular office hours.

Do not share restricted information

Please avoid sharing restricted information in your help requests.