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PuTTY is a lightweight SSH client for Windows users. It features session and profile management and can be run with or without installation.


PuTTY is available at the link below. For Windows installation, select the MSI (Windows Installer) 64-bit x86 version and proceed with install. If you prefer not to install, download the putty.exe 64-bit x86 version in the Alternative binary section.

Download PuTTY

If you downloaded the no install version, make sure to save it in a place that is easy to access and will not be deleted.

Cluster Login#

PuTTY features profile management so that the login node hostname can be reused. To get started, open PuTTY and fill in the Host Name box with Make sure the connection type is SSH (default). In the Saved Sessions box give the profile a meaningful name (i.e., "HPC Cluster") and select Save.

Now you can select Open to initiate an SSH connection to the cluster. The first time you connect, you'll be asked to accept the cluster's security key. Select Yes to accept the key and continue.

You will see a terminal prompt login as:. Type in your MCW username and press enter. You will see a prompt for your password. Type in your MCW password and press enter. Please note that the password is hidden as you type for security purposes.